Sunday, April 19, 2020

118's ELement ( Oganesson)

Oganesson is a radioactive, artificially produced element about which little is known. It is expected to be a gas and is classified as a non-metal. It is the member of the noble gas group.
The element no. 118 on the periodic table of elements, had previously been designated Unuoctium, a placeholder name that means one-one-eight in Latin. In November 2016, IUPAC approve the name Oganesson for the element 118.
Oganesson was discovered in 2002 by Russian scientist at the Joint institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. Three years prior, 1999, the team at Lawrence Berkeley labs in California published a paper announcing the discovery of element 118, but their results could not be replicated and the team retracted their paper. In 2006, the element was officially announced by Dubna team and by Lawrence National laboratory team.

Friday, April 17, 2020

How Drug Is Design?

Trial and error screening method for the designing of drugs are now overcome by Computational Technique. It acts as information storage of information obtained by different method regarding a particular molecule and it's analogue. These methods are,
1) Molecular mechanics gives geometry and strain energy of molecule.
2) Molecular dynamics used to study internal molecular motion and to elucidate the structure.
3) Quantum mechanics used to calculate the properties of isolated molecules.

Computational technique provides a design tools to the chemist to explore all the pathway leading to the target molecule.

"Don't Dare To Be A Doctor Yourself" (Drugs)

Pharmacodynamic Agents:
The chemicals which are designed to reduce functional disorders of the body like pains, depression, cardio vascular disorders, diabetes, cancer etc. are called pharmacodynamic agents.

Analgesic or pain killer is any member of group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are the medications that reduce pain, decrease fever, prevents blood clots and in higher doses, decrease inflammation.

Psychotropic Drugs:
The chemical substances that changes brain function and results in alternation in perception, mood or consciousness.

Anti Diabetic Drugs:
The drugs used in diabetes to treat diabetes mellitus by altering the glucose level in the blood.

Antineoplastic Drugs:
The medications used to treat cancers.
"Don't dare to become doctor yourself, so first take the information about drugs"
Suraj Shrestha
Bhadrapur,Jhapa Nepal

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Chemotherapeutic Drugs

Chemotherapeutic agents are the typea of drugs which are used for the treatment of infected disease caused by different microorganisms. 
                                                                                                                                                                 A) Antibacterial or
Antibiotics : They are the medications that destroy or slow down the growth of bacteria. For example Penicillins.                                   

B) Antiprotozoal Drugs: They are the class of pharmaceuticals used in treatment of protozoan infection. 

C) Antifungal Agents:
These are the antimycotic medication which is a pharmaceutical fungicide used to treat and prevent mycosis such as ringworm etc. 
D) Antiviral Agents:

They are the medications for the treatment of antiviral infection rather than bacterial infections.
By Suraj Shrestha


118's ELement ( Oganesson)

Oganesson is a radioactive, artificially produced element about which little is known. It is expected to be a gas and is classified as a n...